HVAC Maintenance

For Residential and commercial

We'll Do The Job Right!

A faulty cooling or heating system can make life pretty unbearable during the warm or winter months. We offer heating and cooling services that will keep your home cool and comfortable all season long.  During hot summers and cold winters, one of the best ways to make sure you stay happy is by making sure your house stays the right temperature with an up-to-date HVAC system, installed from professionals like ours at MaxAir Heating and Cooling. Contact us today for more information about our professional installation or maintenance process.


HVaC maintENance

It is important to carefully inspect and maintain your HVAC system to keep from having serious problems. Especially before the hot summers and the cold winters. It is best to know before hand then be caught off guard in the middle of winter. Our technicians at MaxAir will do a thorough inspection of your heating and cooling system, residential or commercial. This way you can guarantee your system is in good condition and maintain that way. Get started with a maintenance plan that best works for you and your family.

Below is a list of the few things we go over to guarantee your system is working properly.

Thermostat Inspection

If your thermostat isn't working it most likely won't turn off or on as it should and may cause the room to get too hot or cold. This could also cause your electric bill to go up. We will inspect and test your thermostat to guarantee it is working correctly.

Electric Tests

Next is testing the electrical components. We’ll measure the current and voltage on the motor. Then, we’re going to tighten any electrical connections. If there is a faulty connection, it could lead to major issues. It could be dangerous. Our technicians will check these things to ensure that everything is okay.


We’ll need to lubricate all moving parts. If they’re not properly lubricated, they’re going to have more friction and they’ll use more electricity. Therefore, properly lubricating all moving components can make the system more efficient.

Checking The Drain Line

It is important to check the condensation drain line to make sure it is working properly. If it is clogged, the water may back up and damage your home. It can also increase humidity levels inside of your home. We’ll check the line to make sure water is flowing out properly.


We must inspect all system controls to ensure safe and efficient operation. We also need to test the cycling procedure to ensure that the system is turning on, operating, and shutting off properly. We’ll make sure everything is working as intended.

Cooling Components

Our technicians will check the cooling components of the unit to ensure it can cool your home sufficiently. For instance, we have to inspect the system’s coils and evaporator. If the coils are dirty, the system won’t be able to cool your home effectively. Instead, the system will operate longer and this will lead to more system wear and higher energy costs.


To ensure your HVAC system can properly cool your home, it needs enough refrigerant. We can check and change the refrigerant level as necessary. Having too little or too much can create problems. We’ll make sure that your HVAC system has the exact amount to minimize energy costs and protect the unit.


We will inspect the unit’s blower to ensure it is capable of blowing plenty of air into your home or business. We will ensure the blower delivers maximum airflow.

Heating Components

We will also check the heating components to ensure they are working properly in time for winter.


Air filters will be another thing that is inspected. It is vital to use clean air filters to guarantee that your home’s air quality is excellent.

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